ILPS holds its 6th International Assembly
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle held its 6th assembly in Hongkong last June 23-26.
The league remains to be the widest, most significant and most militant formation of anti-imperialist organizations. The assembly carried the theme: “Win a bright socialist future for humanity! Unite the people to fight against imperialist plunder, war, racism and fascism!”
Four hundred delegates from 44 countries and territories attended the assembly, surpassing the record of past assemblies. They conducted the assembly in the midst of worsening poverty, joblessness, the rise of fascist regimes and leaders in the world and intensifying distress of the people.
Officials noted advancements in expansion work particularly in Africa and Asia. A number of organizations were reached and local chapters were founded in these regions. The league also spearheaded the founding of the global network People Over Profit and the Resist US War campaign movement.
In the past years, the league led its membership and local chapters in campaigns including the struggles against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), ASEAN, APEC and NATO. ILPS stood in solidarity with the people in their call to prohibit Donald Trump from visiting their countries.
In unity with Filipino peasants, it conducted the global day of action for land, food and justice in 2015. Member organizations of ILPS from across the world participated in the campaign. The league also participated in the campaign against the IMF-World Bank.
ILPS extended its full suppport to the people of Venezuela and Palestine amid relentless attacks of the US and the US-backed Zionists in Israel. It also supported the “Yellow Vest Movement” against oppressive taxes proposed by the Macron government in France.