Victorious Monde Nissin strike


MONDE NISSIN WORKERS’ second strike last August 27 was successful as the management agreed to negotiate with the Mon­de Nis­sin La­bor Associa­ti­on-LIGA (MNLA-LIGA) regarding the retrenchment of 176 workers. The management agreed to compensate dismissed contractual workers a separation pay of not less than P100,000 each.

The MNLA first staged its strike on August 6 in which the management agreed to regularize its contractual workers. However, it reneged on its promise and cunningly terminated the contracts of the said workers.

The MNLA-LIGA stated that the struggle of the workers will not stop with their acceptance of separation pay.

In fact, Monde Nissin workers were among those who protested against low wages, contractualization and suppression during the Heroes’ Day demonstration last August 16.
NutriAsia and Peerless Pro­ducts Ma­nufactu­ring Cor­po­ra­ti­on workers also participated in the protest.

Victorious Monde Nissin strike