200 celebrate wedding in Covid-free NPA area
In a still Covid-free area of the New People’s Army (NPA), life in the revolution took a pause to celebrate love amidst heightened focus military operations.
Last June 11, the people in Bukidnon, along with their army, celebrated the wedding of four couples. Around 200 residents from different communities attended the ceremony to witness the couples exchange vows under the rules of the revolutionary government and flag of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Forged in the middle of the people’s war, marriage in the revolution encompasses not only the romantic love towards a comrade, but also the genuine love and service to the masses.
At the wedding, the villagefolk took upon themselves the task of preparing food, setting up the stage and organizing cultural performances. Red fighters are not to be outdone, as they also displayed their flair for dancing.
The mass wedding was held at a time when Bukidnon is under intense and brutal militarization by no less than four battalions of the AFP. But as a Red commander said in jest during the ceremony, this should not deter the couples’ long-time dream of walking under the “arms gate,” the customary passage of wedded couples under crossed rifles.
Meantime, a conference of revolutionary youth organization Kabataang Makabayan (KM) was held in the province. Up to 37 KM members from different towns, cities and communities of the province took part in the activity. The participants were students and youth from the province.
Issues of national concern as well as those affecting the KM’s particular areas were discussed in the conference. Foremost of these is the global concern of Covid-19 which calls for collective response.
Deliberations were held regarding prompt organizing work among the youth. These discussions resulted in the formation of an organization aimed at the collective response to the pandemic and opposition to the US-Duterte regime’s terrorist attacks.
Both the mass wedding and the KM conference were conducted safely, demonstrating the collective action of the youth, the masses and the people’s army in frustrating enemy tactics and carrying on with the tasks in the revolution. Despite enjoying Covid-free status, health measures were observed in both activities ###