Journalist file complaint against repression


JOURNALISTS FROM Alter­mid­ya, Pi­noy Weekly, Ko­dao Pro­ducti­ons and Bu­lat­lat filed a complaint at the Com­mis­si­on on Hu­man Rights on July 30 against Na­tio­nal Task Force to End the Local Com­mu­nist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) and Phi­lip­pi­ne Na­tio­nal Po­lice for subjecting them to continuing harassment.

The complaint includes the recent confiscation of thousands of copies of Pinoy Weekly Magazines by the police last July 26 at the office of Kadamay in Vil­la Lois, Pan­di, Bu­lacan. The police made it appear that the magazines are subversive. A separate complaint was also filed by Bulatlat associate editor Da­ni­lo Arao for being implicated in a fabricated “Oust Du­ter­te Mat­rix” last year.

Activist Rose Fortaleza was arrested during the incident for purportedly disseminating subversive documents. She was brought to a precint and was charged with disobedience to persons in authority.

Journalist file complaint against repression