NPA foils focused military ops in NCMR


The New People’s Army-North Central Mindanao Region (NPA-NCMR) moun­ted six successive offensives against the focused military operations (FMO) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the region last August. At least 10 soldiers were killed in the offensives including two officials.

The NPA attacked operating soldiers at Sitio Trak­tor, Ba­ra­ngay Ma­hag­say, San Luis, Agusan del Sur on August 2; Sitio Kalasungay, Barangay San Vicente, Esperanza on August 7; again at Sitio Traktor on August 18; and twice at Sitio Ta­la­baw in the neighboring barangay of Binikalan on August 19.

Two lieutenants were killed in the offensives in Ba­ra­ngay Bal-a­son, Gi­ngo­og City, Mi­sa­mis Ori­en­tal on August 14 and at Sitio Kalasungay on August 26. A Red fighter was killed during one of the encounters.

NPA foils focused military ops in NCMR