NPA-NEMR ambushes butcher police and soldiers


The New People’s Army (NPA)-Agu­san del Nor­te ambushed operating troops of the 29th IB in the mountainous portion of Ba­ra­ngay Ba­ngo­nay, Ja­bo­nga, Agu­san del Nor­te. A certain Master Sergeant Aber­to was killed in action, while another officer died in the hospital.

The said unit was conducting focused military operations in the said barangay since November 12. Residents complained about the soldiers for threatening them and disrupting peace the area.

Another unit of the NPA-Su­ri­gao del Nor­te ambushed elements of the Phi­lip­pi­ne Na­tio­nal Po­lice (PNP)-Si­son aboard a police mobile patrolling in Ba­ra­ngay Ma­yag, Si­son. A police was wounded. The PNP-Si­son was behind the killing of businessman Jo­sefi­no “La­lo” Ca­lang on November 26, and a Red fighter’s father earlier in September.

NPA-NEMR ambushes butcher police and soldiers