Rehab efforts continue in Central Negros as rev forces celebrate CPP anniversary
Revolutionary forces led by the Party and the New People’s Army in Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command) continued to carry out rehabilitation efforts to aid the peasant and toiling masses in their area of responsibility that were hit by supertyphoon Odette, even as they mounted assemblies to celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).
Red fighters led preparations prior the typhoon and immediately launched rehabilitation campaigns along with Party committees in the locality through the “dagyaw-alayon” and the “bayanihan” system that resulted in a productive and collective response to the post-calamity situation.
These efforts, according to the guerrilla front, are part of their whole-year program of providing services and defending the masses in almost 15 municipalities and cities (an additional of 5 areas from last year) of Central Negros.
In a statement, the front Party committee listed down its humble achievements in the past year. Despite having suffered two defensive actions leading to the martyrdom of 10 Red fighters, the NPA command was able to frustrate the objectives of reactionary armed forces’ all-out offensives to crush the armed resistance in their area.
The NPA command managed to recruit at least one platoon of new Red fighters who came mostly from youth who volunteered and had their parents’ endorsement.
It also reported that “the battalion-strong unit militia and other guerrilla units in the front as reserve forces for the armed strength of the NPA were maintained.”
The guerrilla has mounted 28 annihilative and attritive armed actions or about 2-3 offensives a month against the fascist soldiers and police operating in the area. The NPA unit neutralized 53 fascist troopers and 9 paramilitary forces belonging to the CAFGU and the AFP’s network of spies. Red fighters seized a number of weapons enough to arm one squad of fighters.
Almost a hundred students graduated from several batches of the Basic Party Course held the past year. The front also reported that an instructors’ training for the course was conducted with 50 students. Conference and meetings were similarly held to conduct summing up and assessment of their experiences.
Membership of mass organizations increased by 7-10% from last year to over 150,000. The front noted two major agrarian revolution campaigns. One of these benefited 138 families with salary increase in sugar cane haciendas from P100.00 to P150.00, and P150.00 to P200.00. Another campaign was mounted to reduce land rent from 1/3 to 1/4 of the produce, which was ultimately eliminated with the help of the People’s Army. Over 200 individuals in 24 households benefited from this campaign.
Around 300 new candidate Party members was also recruited in the front. This ensures continuous leadership of the Party over mass campaigns and struggles in communities.