Amid focused military operations, series of PADEPA and BPC instructors’ trainings triumphantly carried out


The hinterlands of the 3rd District of Negros Oriental, where the mountain slopes are often times steep covered in thick forests with occasional scree and boulder fields, in which the masses of settlers in the thousands reside subsisting on their diversified agricultural produce, have been this year’s site of the Joint AFP 11th IB – PNP 705th RMF’s ruthless, continuous focused military operations.

Sowing terror among the masses and perpetrating heinous crimes, the fascist mercenary troops wreak havoc on the settler communities with their wanton cruelty and disregard for human rights. Numerous so called counter-guerrilla deep operations, launched in rapid succession, have been executed in the mountainous settlements ever since Southeast Negros was zeroed in as priority target area of Negros RTF-ELCAC.

Despite the enemy’s routine large scale combat operations, Party cadres in the Front and Section Committees, in close coordination with the Party branches in the people’s army and in the localities, succeeded in holding 4 batches of PADEPA-IT and 1 batch of BPC Instructors’ Trainings, with 46 PADEPA-IT graduates who now function as core of instructors setting up the national democratic school in their respective party units and mass organizations. 55 graduated from the 5 batches of BPC, aside from additional 15 graduating BPC-IT.

One batch of BPC participated by 15 new Party members was conducted while an enemy operation was ongoing in a nearby village. The combined efforts of the members of the self-defense corps of the mass organizations and the local militia unit helped facilitate for its uninterrupted completion.

In the actual implementation of the trainings, especially in terms of methods employed, the instructors made use of a number of teaching devices, adjustments to methods of instruction, along with procedures of shortening session duration and explaining theories in ways that parallel the comprehension of the settler masses, given their various levels of limitation in literacy, without deviating from the framework set forth by PAKED.

The physical venues and instruction materials tightly corresponded with the prevailing circumstances that dominated the particular situations, notably with regards to access to electricity, security, enemy activity and movement and other considerations. At times the trainings were held in the bushes, the jungles, other times in shanties, at one time in a concrete house.

The people’s militia played a vital role in providing security, ensuring smooth logistical flow of personnel and supplies, and keeping an eye on the enemy. Materials consisted of the red fighter’s waterproof nylon cloth, chalk, and a laptop for visual aids and presentations.

Daily sessions were shortened in accordance with the schedule of the trainees, starting at 9 am, ending at 4pm. Both the PADEPA and BPC ITs were completed in 3 to 4 days, respectively, complete with lecture, workshop, and practicum.

Graduates were tasked to immediately apply what they learned by holding their own educational discussions, such as MKLRP (4th Edition), SMC 3-in-1, ARAK, BPC, in their own party units and mass organizations. One particular local party branch, thru their fresh graduates of core instructors, was able to deliver the MKLRP to more than 100 members of the local PKM, MAKIBAKA, and KM chapters under their jurisdiction.

In light of these, the leading Party Committees in Southeast Negros seek to continue strengthen the painstaking endeavor of intensive education work in tandem with other crucial tasks with the end in view of actively contributing for the attainment of the overall goal of advancing to the advanced sub-stage from the current middle phase of the strategic defensive stage of our People’s War and stepping on the doorstep of strategic stalemate. ###

Amid focused military operations, series of PADEPA and BPC instructors' trainings triumphantly carried out