An Open Letter to all LGU Officials of the Third District of Negros Oriental
Since the promulgation of Executive Order No. 70 in 2018 that institutionalized the so-called “whole-of-nation” strategy and the subsequent formation of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), the unsparing Duterte regime has been dragging local government officials across the country in its dirty and brutal war against the revolutionary movement.
Local chief excutives were brazenly exploited to embellish ELCAC local task forces to project an image of “civilian-led anti-insurgency campaign” and compelled to serve as its figurehead chairperson. But in reality, this is only for show since the AFP/PNP is in complete control and ultimately determine its programs and courses of action.
In fact, NTF-ELCAC is Duterte regime’s instrument to impose a de facto martial law in areas it lay siege where the authority of the LGU enormously diminished, if not at all substituted.
Furthermore, city and municipal councils were made to sign a template and pre-written statement from DILG declaring the CPP, NPA and the NDF as “persona non grata” entities.
Out of pressure and fear for retribution, many of LGU officials perfunctorily go along with ELCAC’s activities.
But now the ungrateful Duterte has the gall to sweepingly accuse (without naming names and presenting an iota of evidence) LGU officials of supporting the NPA. The AFP recently revealed that they have in possession a supposed list containing the names of LGU officials abetting the revolutionary movement.
Duterte is waving this list like a magic wand to exact submission and obedience from LGU officials especially with the election season forthoming and he is desperately clingling to power by all means among them using the “Sarah for president” card that requires massive local political support.
Duterte’s madness must end. Enough of his reign of state terrorism, catastrophic neoliberal economic policies and unbridled bureacratic corruption.
Stand up for your rights and resist Duterte’s arm-twisting! Desist from being use as cannon fodder in Duterte’s war against the people and schemes to perpetuate himself in power!