Bikolanos need social services not additional military detachments!
Barely recovering from the pandemic crisis and the perpetual problems caused by ever-increasing price surges, loss of jobs and other issues, the masses are now assaulted by yet another AFP attempt to push the immediate construction of a military detachment in Loran Station, Panay Islands, Panganiban, Catanduanes. Instead of focusing on solving poverty that besieges the people, the public’s funds will be used to erect a pointless detachment. It is gravely insulting for Catandunganons that after the recent deaths of fisherfolks forced to combat the seas because they did not have other sources of living and after the masses begged for ayuda from their local government, authorities now find it very easy to funnel funds to buy lands to donate to the military.
NDF-Bikol calls on all the Catandunganon and Bikolanos to condemn and resist the proposal for the said military base construction. Public service and adequate socioeconomic projects are what the masses need and not additional detachments that will only lead to the escalation of military abuses and human rights violations.
They must hold these government officials accountable for their glaring ineptitude when it comes to addressing the problems of the masses and their brazen submission to US-Duterte regime’s military design. They expose themselves as puppets contented to obey their masters’ biding in the name of preserving their self-interests.
With the worsening societal conditions and the dissolution of illusory democracy veiling the rotten and reactionary government, all the exploited and oppressed must realize and practice the strength that roots from their class unity and struggle. They can only rely upon themselves. They can never depend on the fascist state and its institutions to serve the common good and to prioritize the mass interests. The only way to put an end to all forms of exploitation, oppression and fascist projects the like of additional military detachments is through the advance of the people’s democratic revolution. When the people finally claim the political power, only will the demands, lives and future of the exploited and oppressed be held in the highest regard.