Celebrate the 49 years of valiant struggle of the NDFP and oppressed people! Advance the revolution and attain genuine change!
This day, we celebrate with ultimate fulfillment the 49th year of the NDFP. We proudly celebrate the victorious 49 years of perseverance in our struggle for national liberation and democracy of the Philippine society.
We are honored to celebrate our indomitable spirit, for surmounting the relentless and tremendous attacks of all the tyrannical regimes, up to this current Duterte regime. We celebrate the life and struggle of the revolutionary martyrs, from whom we draw inspiration in continuing the great mission from which they have dedicated their lives.
The founding of the NDFP in April 24, 1973 is an enormous feat of the Filipino people’s revolution. Through the NDFP, the gigantic political power of the prole- tariat and peasants which are the primary and biggest forces of the revolution was created. The middle classes as well as the enlightened section of the ruling class were drawn into the people’s democratic revolution. This revolutionary united front of all oppressed classes and enlightened section of the ruling class will smash the political power of the despotic landlords and burgeois compradors.
The NDFP was built by the Communist Party of the Philippines to bring together the different revolutionary organizations that were forced to conceal after they were outlawed by the Martial Law of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. In 49 years since its foundation, the NDFP served as the revolutionary front organization that carries out armed struggle, agrarian revolution, people’s struggles and revolutionary base formations. It serves as the voice of the toiling masses and all exploited Filipino people, by representing them in peace negotiations with the GRP.
The revolutionary united front took shape in Ilocos in the later part of 1970s when the peasant movement and people’s war was successfully launched with the invaluable support of the middle forces. The revolutionary peasant movement blossomed in the region when it launched a struggle with landlords and merchant-usurers for the reduction of land rent and debt interest rates.The middle forces particularly the revolutionary church movement led by Fr. Zacharias Agatep and Fr. Nilo Valerio, as well as the teachers’ movement led by Alfredo Cesar painstakingly aroused, organized ang mobilized the peasants. This anti-feudal struggle which was met with fascist attacks of the Marcos regime led to the formation of the New People’s Army that initiated the armed struggle to strengthen and advance the agrarian revolution that was started in the region. The US-Marcos dictatorship failed to demolish the newly-built revolutionary united front in Ilocos.
From the successful establishment of the revolutionary united front that launched the armed struggle in Ilocos, more units of the NPA and People’s Militia were built, guerilla fronts were expanded and the armed struggle was intensified with the tactical offensives and punitive actions against the fascist troops. The peasant struggle for the reduction of land rent, debt interest rates, exploitative schemes of tobacco companies, as well as raising of farm workers’ wages and prices of farm products were invigorated and broadened. Fisherfolk struggle against the plunder of big capitalist fishers to the Lingayen Gulf was heightened. The broad alliance of peasants, fisherfolk, workers, church, students and youth, teachers and other professionals resolutely fought for human rights, youth and student rights and welfare. They enthusiastically moved for the protection of the communities along the Buaya River and Abra River, daringly struggled against the destructive energy projects and mining and boldly denounced political dynasties and corrup- tion in the region.
Committees and chapters of the Pambansang Katipunan ng Magbubukid (PKM), Kabataang Makabayan (KM) and Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (MAKIBAKA) with thousands of members and activists were built. NDF cells of rich peasants and chapters and committees of the Katipunan ng Gurong Makabayan (KAGUMA) and Christians for National Liberation (CNL) were likewise erected. Aside from these, numerous individuals of enlightened government officials and employees, health professionals and workers, lawyers, overseas Filipino workers and small traders joined and supported the revolution.
With the close guidance of the CPP, the NDF is sturdily and deeply founded in Ilocos. In almost 5 decades of struggle, it has significantly broadened, consolidated and profoundly rooted on the impoverished and exploited masses, thus can no longer be easily shattered by the reactionary state. The allied revolutionary mass organizations (RMO) and the NPA are firmly united in advancing the people’s armed and democratic struggle. The RMOs serve as the stable source for NPA recruits, and the NPA on the other hand serves as the pillar of the people’s struggles. The NPA benefits from the expansive, deep-seated and fixated support of the mass base in pushing forward the people’s war. The Ilokano people’s struggle has reached a level of vigor and militance that gained political and economic benefits which cannot be simply snatched by the ruling class. These victories is incomparable to the deceitful ”livelihood and millions of funds they receive” in exchange of their sham surrender to the AFP and NTF-ELCAC, as well as the futile ”benefits that they obtain” in exchange of the natural resources and their ancestral lands plundered by the capitalist companies.
The economic and social crisis of the Philippine society is getting worse even more because of the Duterte regime’s servility to the neoliberal policies of the imperialists primarily by the US and China. Up to his last days as President, Duterte can no longer do any good, but intensifying terrorism to realize his plan to dismantle the revolution and the people’s democratic struggles by the end of his term. Duterte and his fascist minions are rampaging mad dogs killing and capturing NDFP consultants. Among those recent victims is Ka Esteban Manuel, sick and arrested by the AFP last February 16 in Villareal, Samar and still in detention.
In Ilocos, while the NTF-ELCAC and AFP are announcing that “insurgency is now dismantled” in the region, their sup- pression to the people’s actions are exaggerating. They wouldn’t allow the progressive people to take position this election to campaign on platforms for their well-being.
Like the majority of the Filipino people, the economic condition of the peasants, fisherfolk, workers and even the middle class Ilokanos are constantly crashing due to uncontrollable escalataion of prices of oil, food, electricity rates, farm inputs and all basic needs and services. Agricultural production is deteriorating because of destructive policies on importation including Ilocos basic products such as rice, garlic and onion. They are begging for aid, production subsidy, better irrigation services, higher prices of tobacco and other products – while the funds allotted for these needs, like the RA 7171 funds , are raided by the ruling political dynasties in the region.
And now, the ruling classes are again entertaining the people with their grand exhibition this election. Of course, eve- rybody vows for changes and alleviation on the conditions of the poor. But aside from a few patriotic and progressive parties that offer concrete pro-poor and pro-people platforms, most of them would carry on the pro-imperialist, pro- elite and fascist program of the current regime. What are they going to pursue? The incessant submersion into for- eign debt and peddling of the territorial and sovereign rights of the Filipino people, the massive corruption, extra- judicial killings in the war against drugs, the terrorism of counter-insurgency, among others. Above all, the Marcos- Duterte alliance proclaims to carry-on the Duterte regime’s agenda, while Bongbong Marcos exceptionally pronounces to follow the “Bagong Lipunan” agenda of his deposed father and pledges on “unity for recovery.” What “unity for recovery” is he referring to? That is – to unite the people and recover the devastated Marcos dictatorship and carry on their plunder, enrichment and tyranny. Here in Ilocos, the Marcoses promised lower electric bills should the windmill energy projects be mounted. Until this time that these projects continue expanding, electric bills the Ilokanos pay, go on shooting up even more. The Marcoses are rabid liars. It is clear that these projects are not for the people, but for the Marcoses’ and the companies’ gigantic profiteering.
The ruling political dynasties of Ilocos take advantage on the the masses’ poverty by buying out their votes and loyalty, while stealing billions of funds intended for them, while continuously binding them on exploitative schemes of land rent, usury and contract-growing, while giving away their ancestral lands and fishing waters to monopoly capitalists and while the AFP and NTF-ELCAC stifle their rights.
Whatever results this election would bring, no significant changes would happen and the crisis of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society would further deteriotate. Nevertheless, reactionary elections are occasions to advance the people’s national democratic struggle. Here in Ilocos, the united front of the democratic forces must be reinforced and broadened and should draw in the more rational section of the ruling class to topple the Marcos-Duterte alliance and the political dynasties that they control. They must push forward the militant people’s actions to assert their rights and interests. While the candidates are promising for changes, the peasants, workers, fisherfolk, national minority, youth and other beset sectors must challenge them to address their basic problems. They must challenge the politicians to stand for the abolition of the NTF-ELCAC and put an end to militarization, red-tagging, mock surrenders and all forms of human rights violations. On top of these, the New People’s Army shall undertake necessary and justifiable punitive actions against the vilest fascist forces to render justice to their violations on human rights.
More than ever, the fortification and expansion of the revolutionary united front of the destitute and oppressed classes is the primary and decisive factor in attaining genuine change. It is not the reactionary election where the Filipino people could derive hope for their emancipation from poverty, but through the demolition of the whole semifeudal and semi-colonial social structure ruled by the dynasties of landlords, bourgeois compradors, and building their own political power and democratic government through the armed revolution. The organs of political power including the committees and units of the CPP, the RMOs under the NDF and the NPA serve as the foundation of the people’s democratic government that are built through stages across the country. For a backward agrarian and unindustrialized Philippines, no other than genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization would provide the socio-economic emancipation of the Filipino people. Genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization are the main programs of the people’s democratic government which we are aiming in this current people’s democratic revolution.
Ilocos region has accumulated a bounty of revolutionary practice in national democratic united front. In almost five decades, the NDF’s triumphs in expanding and deepening the revolutionary bases, in carrying out agrarian revolution and armed struggle in Ilocos is highly commendable. These accumulated victories, that many comrades and masses had devouted their lives and sacrifices on, shall be firmly upheld and shall not be grabbed by the enemy. More than ever, we should persist in fighting their fascist attacks.
Let us raise high our victories and advance! Ilocos must keep pace with the nationwide march towards the conclusive victory of the national democratic revolution and onwards to the socialist revolution to achieve greater prosperity and lasting peace.
Long live the 49th anniversary of the NDFP!
Advance the revolution towards genuine change!
[email protected]
Celebrate the 49 years of valiant struggle of the NDFP and oppressed people!
Advance the revolution and attain genuine change!
Rosa Guidon | Spokesperson – NDF-Ilocos
April 24 2022
This day, we celebrate with ultimate fulfillment the 49th year of the NDFP. We proudly celebrate the victorious 49 years of perseverance in our struggle for national liberation and democracy of the Philippine society.
We are honored to celebrate our indomitable spirit, for surmounting the relentless and tremendous attacks of all the tyrannical regimes, up to this current Duterte regime. We celebrate the life and struggle of the revolutionary martyrs, from whom we draw inspiration in continuing the great mission from which they have dedicated their lives.
The founding of the NDFP in April 24, 1973 is an enormous feat of the Filipino people’s revolution. Through the NDFP, the gigantic political power of the prole- tariat and peasants which are the primary and biggest forces of the revolution was created. The middle classes as well as the enlightened section of the ruling class were drawn into the people’s democratic revolution. This revolutionary united front of all oppressed classes and enlightened section of the ruling class will smash the political power of the despotic landlords and burgeois compradors.
The NDFP was built by the Communist Party of the Philippines to bring together the different revolutionary organizations that were forced to conceal after they were outlawed by the Martial Law of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. In 49 years since its foundation, the NDFP served as the revolutionary front organization that carries out armed struggle, agrarian revolution, people’s struggles and revolutionary base formations. It serves as the voice of the toiling masses and all exploited Filipino people, by representing them in peace negotiations with the GRP.
The revolutionary united front took shape in Ilocos in the later part of 1970s when the peasant movement and people’s war was successfully launched with the invaluable support of the middle forces. The revolutionary peasant movement blossomed in the region when it launched a struggle with landlords and merchant-usurers for the reduction of land rent and debt interest rates.The middle forces particularly the revolutionary church movement led by Fr. Zacharias Agatep and Fr. Nilo Valerio, as well as the teachers’ movement led by Alfredo Cesar painstakingly aroused, organized ang mobilized the peasants. This anti-feudal struggle which was met with fascist attacks of the Marcos regime led to the formation of the New People’s Army that initiated the armed struggle to strengthen and advance the agrarian revolution that was started in the region. The US-Marcos dictatorship failed to demolish the newly-built revolutionary united front in Ilocos.
From the successful establishment of the revolutionary united front that launched the armed struggle in Ilocos, more units of the NPA and People’s Militia were built, guerilla fronts were expanded and the armed struggle was intensified with the tactical offensives and punitive actions against the fascist troops. The peasant struggle for the reduction of land rent, debt interest rates, exploitative schemes of tobacco companies, as well as raising of farm workers’ wages and prices of farm products were invigorated and broadened. Fisherfolk struggle against the plunder of big capitalist fishers to the Lingayen Gulf was heightened. The broad alliance of peasants, fisherfolk, workers, church, students and youth, teachers and other professionals resolutely fought for human rights, youth and student rights and welfare. They enthusiastically moved for the protection of the communities along the Buaya River and Abra River, daringly struggled against the destructive energy projects and mining and boldly denounced political dynasties and corrup- tion in the region.
Committees and chapters of the Pambansang Katipunan ng Magbubukid (PKM), Kabataang Makabayan (KM) and Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (MAKIBAKA) with thousands of members and activists were built. NDF cells of rich peasants and chapters and committees of the Katipunan ng Gurong Makabayan (KAGUMA) and Christians for National Liberation (CNL) were likewise erected. Aside from these, numerous individuals of enlightened government officials and employees, health professionals and workers, lawyers, overseas Filipino workers and small traders joined and supported the revolution.
With the close guidance of the CPP, the NDF is sturdily and deeply founded in Ilocos. In almost 5 decades of struggle, it has significantly broadened, consolidated and profoundly rooted on the impoverished and exploited masses, thus can no longer be easily shattered by the reactionary state. The allied revolutionary mass organizations (RMO) and the NPA are firmly united in advancing the people’s armed and democratic struggle. The RMOs serve as the stable source for NPA recruits, and the NPA on the other hand serves as the pillar of the people’s struggles. The NPA benefits from the expansive, deep-seated and fixated support of the mass base in pushing forward the people’s war. The Ilokano people’s struggle has reached a level of vigor and militance that gained political and economic benefits which cannot be simply snatched by the ruling class. These victories is incomparable to the deceitful ”livelihood and millions of funds they receive” in exchange of their sham surrender to the AFP and NTF-ELCAC, as well as the futile ”benefits that they obtain” in exchange of the natural resources and their ancestral lands plundered by the capitalist companies.
The economic and social crisis of the Philippine society is getting worse even more because of the Duterte regime’s servility to the neoliberal policies of the imperialists primarily by the US and China. Up to his last days as President, Duterte can no longer do any good, but intensifying terrorism to realize his plan to dismantle the revolution and the people’s democratic struggles by the end of his term. Duterte and his fascist minions are rampaging mad dogs killing and capturing NDFP consultants. Among those recent victims is Ka Esteban Manuel, sick and arrested by the AFP last February 16 in Villareal, Samar and still in detention.
In Ilocos, while the NTF-ELCAC and AFP are announcing that “insurgency is now dismantled” in the region, their sup- pression to the people’s actions are exaggerating. They wouldn’t allow the progressive people to take position this election to campaign on platforms for their well-being.
Like the majority of the Filipino people, the economic condition of the peasants, fisherfolk, workers and even the middle class Ilokanos are constantly crashing due to uncontrollable escalataion of prices of oil, food, electricity rates, farm inputs and all basic needs and services. Agricultural production is deteriorating because of destructive policies on importation including Ilocos basic products such as rice, garlic and onion. They are begging for aid, production subsidy, better irrigation services, higher prices of tobacco and other products – while the funds allotted for these needs, like the RA 7171 funds , are raided by the ruling political dynasties in the region.
And now, the ruling classes are again entertaining the people with their grand exhibition this election. Of course, eve- rybody vows for changes and alleviation on the conditions of the poor. But aside from a few patriotic and progressive parties that offer concrete pro-poor and pro-people platforms, most of them would carry on the pro-imperialist, pro- elite and fascist program of the current regime. What are they going to pursue? The incessant submersion into for- eign debt and peddling of the territorial and sovereign rights of the Filipino people, the massive corruption, extra- judicial killings in the war against drugs, the terrorism of counter-insurgency, among others. Above all, the Marcos- Duterte alliance proclaims to carry-on the Duterte regime’s agenda, while Bongbong Marcos exceptionally pronounces to follow the “Bagong Lipunan” agenda of his deposed father and pledges on “unity for recovery.” What “unity for recovery” is he referring to? That is – to unite the people and recover the devastated Marcos dictatorship and carry on their plunder, enrichment and tyranny. Here in Ilocos, the Marcoses promised lower electric bills should the windmill energy projects be mounted. Until this time that these projects continue expanding, electric bills the Ilokanos pay, go on shooting up even more. The Marcoses are rabid liars. It is clear that these projects are not for the people, but for the Marcoses’ and the companies’ gigantic profiteering.
The ruling political dynasties of Ilocos take advantage on the the masses’ poverty by buying out their votes and loyalty, while stealing billions of funds intended for them, while continuously binding them on exploitative schemes of land rent, usury and contract-growing, while giving away their ancestral lands and fishing waters to monopoly capitalists and while the AFP and NTF-ELCAC stifle their rights.
Whatever results this election would bring, no significant changes would happen and the crisis of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society would further deteriotate. Nevertheless, reactionary elections are occasions to advance the people’s national democratic struggle. Here in Ilocos, the united front of the democratic forces must be reinforced and broadened and should draw in the more rational section of the ruling class to topple the Marcos-Duterte alliance and the political dynasties that they control. They must push forward the militant people’s actions to assert their rights and interests. While the candidates are promising for changes, the peasants, workers, fisherfolk, national minority, youth and other beset sectors must challenge them to address their basic problems. They must challenge the politicians to stand for the abolition of the NTF-ELCAC and put an end to militarization, red-tagging, mock surrenders and all forms of human rights violations. On top of these, the New People’s Army shall undertake necessary and justifiable punitive actions against the vilest fascist forces to render justice to their violations on human rights.
More than ever, the fortification and expansion of the revolutionary united front of the destitute and oppressed classes is the primary and decisive factor in attaining genuine change. It is not the reactionary election where the Filipino people could derive hope for their emancipation from poverty, but through the demolition of the whole semifeudal and semi-colonial social structure ruled by the dynasties of landlords, bourgeois compradors, and building their own political power and democratic government through the armed revolution. The organs of political power including the committees and units of the CPP, the RMOs under the NDF and the NPA serve as the foundation of the people’s democratic government that are built through stages across the country. For a backward agrarian and unindustrialized Philippines, no other than genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization would provide the socio-economic emancipation of the Filipino people. Genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization are the main programs of the people’s democratic government which we are aiming in this current people’s democratic revolution.
Ilocos region has accumulated a bounty of revolutionary practice in national democratic united front. In almost five decades, the NDF’s triumphs in expanding and deepening the revolutionary bases, in carrying out agrarian revolution and armed struggle in Ilocos is highly commendable. These accumulated victories, that many comrades and masses had devouted their lives and sacrifices on, shall be firmly upheld and shall not be grabbed by the enemy. More than ever, we should persist in fighting their fascist attacks.
Let us raise high our victories and advance! Ilocos must keep pace with the nationwide march towards the conclusive victory of the national democratic revolution and onwards to the socialist revolution to achieve greater prosperity and lasting peace.
Long live the 49th anniversary of the NDFP!
Advance the revolution towards genuine change!