CPP denounces Mindanao martial law lifting in exchange for HSA amendments
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the suggestion that martial law in Mindanao can be lifted in exchange for amendments to the Human Security Act.
The proposed amendments to the HSA is martial law on steroids as it will give the police and military more powers in wiretapping and surveillance, extend the days of indefinite detention to as long as 60 days and remove the P500,000/day fine for wrongful detention of suspects.
Thus, HSA amendments in exchange for Mindanao martial law is no choice for the Filipino people. Either way they lose.
The CPP rejects the idea that the Filipino people have no choice but to accept fascist state abuse of power as a fact of life in the Philippines. The CPP urges the Filipino people to reject this argument and demand that martial law in Mindanao be lifted and the HSA repealed.