LPC-NPA punish AFP asset in Vallehermoso
Last March 11, at around 11 AM, Amboy Ricaplaza, a notorious intelligence agent of the AFP was punished by the LPC-NPA in Barangay Kalupaan, Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental, nearby the AFP patrol base in Barangay Guba of the same municipality.
Ricaplaza is an active military spy that is involved in several cases of red-tagging innocent civilians in Vallehermoso and Canlaon. He also guides the AFP during military operations and hamletting. These result to ransacking of houses, armed intimidation and enforced surrenders by the AFP, in their desperate attempt to strike fear among civilians and to grab the prize money from their corrupt E-CLIP program.
Farmers and farm workers in the area fear for their lives and can no longer properly work nor sleep due to fear of the fascist troops. It can be recalled that the AFP’s 62nd IB illegally detained a farm worker, raided houses and indiscriminately fired at civilian communities last 2021. The intense militarization in Vallehermoso and other mountain barangays in Central Negros continues to sow terror among the people, especially with individuals like Ricaplaza aimlessly pointing at civilians and labeling them as NPAs.
As a result, Ricaplaza was punished for being an AFP spy who actively endangered the lives and livelihoods of civilians in the area.
The successive armed actions of the LPC-NPA is in line with the masses call for justice amid the rampage of the US-Duterte regime’s bloody counterrevolutionary war. Despite the relentless attacks of the mercenary AFP and PNP, the revolutionary mass organizations, the NPA, and the CPP will steadfastly wage and advance the people’s war, the just war that has been waged by the oppressed Filipino people against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism for 53 years. ###