Martial Law Extension Will Further Intensify the Peoples’ Armed Resistance
The reality of the US-Duterte regime’s deception to rationalize the tyrannical move of declaring martial law against those who oppose him, is more than ever clear to the people. The steps being made to further extend (martial law) illustrates the calculated moves to bolster Duterte’s ambition of dictatorial rule.
Recall that the US-Duterte regime imposed martial law in Mindanao last May 23, 2017 to supposedly wipe out the Maute group in Marawi City. The move was justified by the threat of the terrorist ISIS which allegedly planned to attack certain areas in Mindanao. Instead of the prescribed two months, it was extended until December 2017. Then, in October, Duterte declared that the Marawi crisis has ended and the Maute group was “defeated.”
Because the main intention of the the US-Duterte regime is to ensure the interests of China and US in Mindanao and put an end to the primary threat against his tyrannical rule, it extended martial law. And so, on November 2017 Presidential Proclamation (PP) No. 360 was effected which unilaterally ended the peace negotiations between the GRP and NDFP. Duterte even declared a shoot-to-kill order against suspected members of the NPA. The declaration of PP No. 374 proclaiming the CPP-NPA-NDFP as “terrorists” followed. The proclamation included attacks against progressive forces and groups opposing Duterte’s tyranny.
Not content, the US-Duterte regime again extended martial law for a second time until the last month of 2018. This served his avowal of annihilating the NPA on the same year. He desires of first defeating the NPA forces in Mindanao to ensure success over the entire country. This, despite the fact that it is inutile in defeating even the small terrorist Abu Sayyaf (ASG) group in the islands of Sulu and Basilan.
To defeat the NPA in 2018, the AFP concentrated almost 70 percent or 74 maneuver battalion of forces here in Mindanao and 44 of these are deployed in NPA areas. Brutal psychological and combat operations are being launched in the country against the people and the NPA. The AFP commit killings, repression, arrests, threats, filing of trumped-up cases and forced surrender of civilians, while launching massive military operations. But the NPA and revolutionary forces overcame all these. And the NPA is defeating the brutal intentions of the US-Duterte regime this year.
In NEMR, military rule was met by the brave resistance of the NPA and the people. Amidst the repressive actions of the military, the people successfully launched protests to expose the human rights violations committed by the AFP. Militarization of the countryside and martial law are being opposed. The people continue to push their just demands such as genuine land reform, free social services and others.
On the other hand, the NPA in NEMR effected successful counter-attacks against the sustained annihilative enemy operations. The NPA in the region launched more than 200 military actions that resulted in several casualties on the side of the enemy. The NPA preserved its own strength and defended the interests of the people. Imperialists companies destroying the environment were penalized, such as Sumifru and Dole.
Despite these destructive AFP operations, the NPA never lost the initiative to implement other revolutionary tasks such as propaganda, organizing, agrarian revolution, delivery of medical services, maintaining peace and order, production and others. The NPA continues to enjoy the widespread support of the people. The youth remains to be a bottomless well for the NPA.
With such defeat nationwide, the AFP moved the timetable for the annihilation of the NPA to the year 2019. Thus, the AFP is strongly pushing for the extension of martial law which is in essence is now being implemented nationwide. In fact, congress’ discussion on the AFP’s recommendation of extending martial law has been set on the first week of December.
The formality of the reactionary regime’s congress approving the declaration of martial law provides the legal basis for the suppression and attack against the opposition, progressives and the revolutionary forces. But despite there being no formal declaration, the brutal military rule especially in the countryside, is evident with the implementation of total war under Oplan Kapayapaan.
Duterte’s martial law is similar to that of Marcos, the only difference is that it has been polished and is slowly being implemented in the belief that the people will be deceived and he can bolster his ambition of dictatorial rule. Duterte has put into place the militarization of the bureaucracy by appointing former military and police officers in his cabinet and in agencies.
Thus, martial law extension is nothing but a license for the military and police to intensify its abuses and brutality. Martial law is not intended for the terrorist ASG and ISIS but against the people and the revolutionary forces strongly fighting the pro-imperialist and anti-people US-Duterte regime. Like Marcos, the (current) regime is forcing the people to intensify armed and unarmed resistance to end his rule.
We call on the people to be vigilant against the plans of the AFP and Duterte, and without second thought, expose and oppose these. We also call on the media people to go to the countryside to investigate and document the true conditions of the people under martial law and militarization.
Long live the struggling people!
Celebrate with pride the 50th anniversary of the reestablishment of the CPP!