On 4th anniversary of the bombing of Marawi
The Party and revolutionary forces extend greetings of solidarity to the Moro people, especially the people of Marawi City, on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Duterte regime’s terrorist war and bombing of Marawi.
We sympathize with the people of Marawi, more than 320,000 of whom remain in evacuation centers. They remain homeless four years after Duterte’s war of destruction and subsequent military occupation of the city in the guise of fighting the Maute group.
Today, it is the AFP and US military forces who occupy Marawi, claiming the Moro people’s land for expanding their military reservation (Camp Ranao).
The memories of the bombing of Marawi four years ago was aroused recently by images of the US-supported Israeli bombing of Palestinian homes and infrastructure in Gaza Strip. Like the people of Marawi, the Palestinians are being driven away from their homeland.
Four years since the destruction of Marawi, promises of “rehabilitation” and “rebuilding” remain unfulfilled, despite the availability of billions of pesos worth of funds. It is likely that these funds are already in the pockets of Duterte’s corrupt officials.
The Party and revolutionary forces reiterate their support for the people of Marawi, and the Moro people in general, in their fight to return to their homes and in their struggle for their right to genuine self-determination.