Strengthen the NDFP and carry forward the people’s democratic revolution!

_Message to allied organizations of the National Democratic Front of the
Philippines on the occasion of the NDFP’s 45th founding anniversary_

The Filipino people’s revolutionary forces today are holding celebrations across
the country and around the globe to mark the 45th anniversary of the founding of
the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). The leadership and
entire membership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) join this
celebration and extend profound greetings of solidarity to their allies in the

**Uniting the Filipino people**

The theme of the NDFP’s 45th anniversary celebrations, “Build the broadest
united front to strengthen the organs of political power and the people´s
democratic government” correctly points out to the current historic role being
played by the NDFP. Indeed, the NDFP plays an important role in building the
broadest unity of the Filipino people as they wage revolutionary armed struggle
and civil war against the ruling reactionary regime.

The NDFP was established in 1973 based on the initiative and preparations made
by the Party since the latter’s reestablishment. It initially brought together
the national democratic organizations that went underground upon martial
declaration in 1972 by the Marcos dictatorship. They are united by the Filipino
people’s aspiration for national and social liberation as crystallized in the
Party’s Program for a People’s Democratic Revolution and the NDFP’s 12-Point
Program. The NDFP’s immutable commitment to advance the revolution has enhanced
its prestige among the people. It continues to draw support and attract new
allies. The NDFP has now 18 affiliate revolutionary organizations.

The NDFP is the most consolidated united front organization of basic
revolutionary forces under proletarian leadership. It is established on the
foundation of the basic alliance of workers and peasants, chiefly expressed by
the Party’s leadership of the New People’s Army, as well as by revolutionary
mass organizations among various sectors of the toiling masses. It is further
composed of various organizations among the petty-bourgeoisie. It reaches out
and wins over the middle bourgeoisie and establishes temporary alliances with
other class forces to isolate the main enemy.

The NDFP is a united front that steadfastly serves the revolutionary armed
struggle being waged by the NPA. For four decades and a half, allied
organizations of the NDFP have extended political and material support to the
NPA. From the ranks of the NDFP allies have emerged Red fighters and commanders
of the NPA.

As a solid united front, the NDFP has served as the strong underground core of
broad people’s movements. It served as the mainstay in the broad
anti-dictatorship struggle against the Marcos regime. In 1981, it represented
the Filipino people in the case against the Marcos regime before the
International People’s Tribunal. It has unwaveringly represented the national
democratic interests of the Filipino people in the past three decades of
successive pseudo-democratic regimes since 1986.

**Building and representing the people’s democratic government**

By waging protracted people’s war and building the armed strength of the people,
organs of political power are being established across the country, primarily in
the countryside. These are built from the village level up on the foundations of
peasant revolutionary mass organizations. There is a proliferation of
revolutionary committees nationwide at the village level. These mobilize the
people to carry out land reform and antifeudal struggles, as well as undertake
efforts to raise the people’s livelihood. These provide educational, health,
economic and other public services. Local conflicts are settled through
arbitration. Peace and order is maintained through the mobilization of militias
and self-defense units. Drug and other criminal syndicates are prevented from
operating in these areas.

The NDFP serves as framework for establishing revolutionary organs of governance
at the municipal, district, provincial and regional levels. The national
entirety of these organs of political power comprises the people’s democratic
government (PDG), albeit in rudimentary form. It administers justice and
exercises such state prerogatives as taxation. It implements environmental and
other policies in line with the people’s nationalist and democratic aspirations.

Under the Party’s absolute leadership, the NPA serves as the PDG’s armed force.
It defends the PDG, helps strengthen and expand its authority and enforces its
policies. It engages in civil war against the ruling Government of the Republic
of the Philippines (GRP) which represent the ruling classes of big bourgeois
compradors and big landlords under US imperialist hegemony.

The NDFP represents the PDG until it can be formally established. As such, the
NDFP has established proto-diplomatic relations with states and other
international agencies. It has also represented the PDG in peace negotiations
with the GRP since 1986. For more than 25 years, this has been governed by the
terms set by The Hague Joint Declaration signed in 1992. The NDFP jointly signed
with the GRP the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and
International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) in 1998.

**Peace negotiations with the Duterte regime**

In 2016, the NDFP spiritedly pursued peace negotiations with the Duterte regime
after the latter made public declarations of being “Leftist” and anti-American
and promising to release political prisoners, support land reform and pursue an
independent foreign policy. As a way of engaging and encouraging such
declarations, which no reactionary regime made prior, the NDFP acceded to an
indefinite ceasefire which lasted a good six months.

In four rounds of peace talks, the NDFP vigorously asserted and advanced the
cause of fundamental social reforms and sought the broadest support of all
progressive and positive forces. The NDFP came up with a more detailed program
which addresses the central socio-economic and political issues of the civil
war. The NDFP’s draft on Comprehensive Agreement on Socio-Economic Reforms
(CASER) is a practical blueprint of necessary and applicable reforms. It was
able to further strengthen and broaden its ties with various patriotic and
democratic classes and sectors, as well as with elements of the ruling classes.

Duterte, however, turned his back against his own declarations of reform and
mounted an increasingly brutal and cruel war of suppression under Oplan
Kapayapaan, targeting unarmed peasants and minority peoples defending their
land. Aerial bombing, curtailment of rights to travel and engage in commerce,
food and aid blockades, illegal arrests, torture and killings are the norm under
Duterte’s martial law in Mindanao and virtual martial law across the country,
especially in the rural areas.

Duterte refused to fulfill his promise to issue a general amnesty proclamation
to release all political prisoners. He stubbornly demanded the NDFP to commit
itself to a prolonged ceasefire prior to any agreement on substantive issues,
contrary to the established agenda and succession of issues. Failing to use the
peace talks to tie the hands of the revolutionary forces, Duterte declared the
termination of peace negotiations with the NDFP in November last year, and
subsequently declared the Party and NPA as terrorists and ordered the arrest of
the NDFPs’ peace consultants.

Amid increasing isolation brought about by strong resistance to his tyranny,
Duterte has recently made overtures to revive peace talks, but has yet to make
substantive measure to bring the talks back to track.

**Build the broadest anti-fascist united front against the Duterte regime**

The Filipino people are currently suffering gravely under the tyranny and
terrorism of the US-Duterte regime. As the strongest united front organization,
the NDFP plays an important role in building the Filipino people’s broadest
unity to isolate and resist the US-Duterte regime. By waging revolutionary
resistance, both in the urban underground as well as in rural armed struggle,
the NDFP helps strengthen the people’s determination to fight and defeat the
despicable regime.

In line with the principles of united front building, the basic revolutionary
forces must be resolutely strengthened to serve as solid foundation, rampart and
scaffolding for building the broadest anti-fascist united front against the
Duterte regime. To do so, the broad masses of workers and peasants must be
mobilized in a big way to expose and actively resist the fascist attacks of the
Duterte regime against the people. Solid blows by New People’s Army against
Duterte’s fascist machinery will rouse widespread resistance against the
regime’s tyranny and terrorism.

All revolutionary forces allied with the NDFP must help in building the broadest
anti-fascist united front against the Duterte regime. They must exert effort to
link up the struggles against Duterte’s fascist terrorism with the people’s
anti-imperialist and antifeudal struggles. By doing so, the NDFP is being
further strengthened as a united front for advancing the people’s democratic

The Filipino people’s determination to advance the national democratic
revolution is being further steeled amid the worsening crisis of the
semicolonial and semifeudal system. Under the leadership of the Party, the
strength of the NPA and the reach of the NDFP, they look forward to attaining
complete victory in their struggle for national and social liberation.

Strengthen the NDFP and carry forward the people's democratic revolution!