The People’s War Rages On!
In celebration of the 50th founding anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA), the Leonardo Pacsi Command (LPC) of NPA-Mountain Province launched three successive tactical offensives against operating troops of the Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB) 15 and Special Action Force (SAF) of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the 54th IB of the Philippine Army (PA). As a result of these offensives, three were killed while 13 others were wounded on the enemy side.
On March 29, a unit of the LPC harassed troops of the 1502nd Company of the RMFB 15-PNP in Bagnen, Bauko, Mountain Province. One enemy troop was killed while another was wounded. On March 31, another unit of the LPC harassed troops of the 54th IB on pursuit operation between Bagnen, Bauko and Bantey, Tadian. One element of the 54th IB was killed. And on April 2, the LPC ambushed joint forces of the RMFB 15 and Special Action Force (SAF) of the PNP who were also on pursuit operation at Sitio Cabunagan, Poblacion, Tadian, Mountain Province. The enemy suffered one killed and at least eight wounded in this battle.
These successful offensives send a clear message to the tyrannical US-Duterte regime – that the people’s war spearheaded by the NPA under the correct and firm leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is steadfastly advancing and well on its way towards achieving far greater victories.
The majority of our people are mired in deepening poverty due to the full implementation of neo-liberal economic policies and programs that only benefit the imperialists, big capitalists and landlords. And while the masses endure untold sufferings, they are constantly victimized by the rampaging fascism unleashed by a regime that has gone berserk on a frenzied killing spree. More than 20,000 civilians have already been killed in the ruthless ‘war on drugs’ and war of suppression of the despotic Duterte administration.
With the worsening impoverishment and intensified oppression, a pervasive despondency has taken hold of the vast majority of our people. It has outstandingly become clearer to them that they have no other recourse but to solidify their ranks and intensify their militant struggles for their basic demands, to resist the fascist dictatorship and to actively participate in the national democratic revolution through people’s war. Only the armed revolution will usher in genuine change and end the suffering and poverty of the masses.
NPA commands in the different guerilla fronts and provinces of the region have exerted efforts in pursuing the call of the CPP to intensify tactical offensives against the US-Duterte Regime. From 2018 to the first quarter of 2019, the NPA in the region has been able to launch successful offensives against the AFP-PNP-CAFGU who incurred a total of 52 casualties with 19 killed and 33 wounded in action. 12 CAFGUs were also captured in battle and immediately released. A total of 36 firearms were seized from the enemy. On the other hand, one red fighter was martyred in battle. Clearly, the NPA has triumphantly frustrated the onslaught of the anti-people Oplan Kapayapaan in the region and continues to do so.
Resolutely serving and fighting for the interests of the masses, the NPA continues to be the people’s inspiration to determinedly pursue their struggles against their class exploiters and oppressors. Persistently waging armed struggle while supporting peasants in advancing militant land reform struggles and building the solid mass base of the armed revolution in the countryside, the NPA serves as the beacon of hope of the impoverished and the downtrodden.
As it is cherished by the masses, the NPA can never be intimidated by the desperate yet clearly empty threats of a lunatic despot like Duterte and his armed minions to end the armed revolution. At its nascent stage, the people’s army victoriously foiled the US-Marcos dictatorship’s vicious attempt to crush the armed revolution. Surmounting brutal campaigns of suppression by an overwhelmingly superior reactionary force, the NPA grew rapidly and advanced the people’s war to a level that has greatly contributed to the downfall of the much hated dictatorship. Succeedingly, it valiantly fought and prevailed over all anti-people and counter-revolutionary campaigns launched by one reactionary regime to another. And through these, it has grown to become the largest and most consolidated revolutionary army in the nation’s history. Tempered by fifty years of class war, the people’s army and the revolutionary masses persistently pursue the armed revolution to end class oppression & exploitation and finally liberate the people and country from imperialist domination, feudal bondage, state corruption and fascism.
In consonance with the people’s heightened resistance against tyranny, the NPA in the Ilocos-Cordillera is more than ever determined to deal heavier blows against the fascist troops of the US-Duterte Regime. The unwavering and ever expanding support of the people and the allies fuels the NPA in the region to exert greater efforts in totally overcoming military conservatism to make larger contributions to the nationwide endeavor in advancing the people’s war to the next higher stage in the coming years and achieve total victory in the near future. ###