Young activists express great “optimism in building a new and better world” during launch of Sison’s latest book ‘On the Communist Party of the Philippines’
Utrecht, The Netherlands—Young activists from different global regions have expressed strong enthusiasm and confidence in building a new world in the struggle to end exploitation and oppression, during the booklaunch of Prof. Jose Ma. Sison’s latest book On the Communist Party of the Philippines. This book is part of the Sison Reader Series, a collection of volumes of the writings of Sison, founding chairman of the CPP and NDFP chief political consultant.
Asked what comes to their mind about communism, the young activists replied: many and majority of the neglected people today will be cherished and given care they rightfully deserve under a classless society. Another said: optimism because another world is being built.
A movement that’s inclusive to everyone who is willing to commit to the collective and the masses, stated another. “It is to the interests of the (working class) and the people to fight for communism,” added another activist.
In a pre-recorded remark during the online booklaunch, Professor Sison gave an overview of the exceptional growth and achievements of the CPP which he co-founded together with 12 other young Marxists-Leninists-Maoists in a village of Alaminos, Pangasinan in 1968.
“Now, the CPP has more than 150,000 members. The New People’s Army has thousands of Red fighters with automatic rifles and operates in more than 110 guerrilla fronts nationwide. It is augmented by tens of thousands of members of the people’s militia and self-defense units of the revolutionary mass organizations. Within the frame of the NDFP, the revolutionary mass organizations and local alliances have millions of members,” Sison emphasized.
Commenting on the state of the people and the revolutionary resistance, Sison said: “The Filipino people and their revolutionary forces can be expected to fight more fiercely than ever against the Duterte terror regime and the entire ruling system when Duterte rigs the elections this year as Marcos did in 1986. They are now far stronger and more tested in struggle than in earlier decades. They are more than ever prepared to wage a resolute and relentless struggle because the chronic crisis of the ruling system is rapidly worsening, they are more desirous than ever for revolutionary change and the CPP and other revolutionary forces are stronger than ever before.
“It is to the outstanding great credit of the CPP that it is one of the proletarian revolutionary parties of the world successfully leading the people’s democratic revolution. It is widely recognized as a torch-bearer of the world proletarian-socialist revolution, whose resurgence is being ushered in by the anti-imperialist and democratic mass struggles all over the world and by the intensification of all major contradictions: between labor and capital, between the imperialist powers and the oppressed peoples and nations, among the imperialist powers themselves and the US and China as the chief imperialist rivals,” Sison concluded.
Luis Jalandoni, senior adviser of the NDFP peace panel commenting on the reestablishment of the CPP led by Sison, said its founding was “marked by revolutionary creativity, daring and remarkable resourcefulness and courage, the twelve founders dared to found the Party and start the people’s war with only 9 automatic rifles and 26 inferior arms, but with the support of thousands of youth, worker and peasant fighters”.
Comrade Joma’s book, Jalandoni stated, teaches us revolutionary lessons learned in the course of conducting people’s war. It is the inspiration for all comrades and friends in the ongoing struggle of the Filipino people for national and social liberation, he added.
Irina Malenko, a Russian Marxist-Leninist, said Sison’s latest book continues to add to her theoretical knowledge of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and how to apply this knowledge to the concrete practice of the current specific circumstances of the worldwide crisis of the capitalism system. “I also learn so many new facts of the history of the communist movement in the Philippines which wasn’t properly covered in the Soviet literature available to us in the past,” Malenko also said.
“It amazes me how productively Ka Joma works, even throughout the pandemic, when many comrades unwillingly felt depressed or demoralized by the harsh circumstances, lack of face to face contacts and possibility to travel, as well as very harsh restrictions in many countries, Netherlands and the Philippines included. He is really a shining example for us all on how not to give in to those dark feelings and to turn adversities into opportunities, as our Korean comrades say, ‘even though our path is arduous, we will walk it smiling!’ Thank you for your inspiring example which is of great support to all of us, around the world!,” Malenko concluded.
The program of the booklaunch ended with the showing of the music video “Muog na Buo” (Solid Fortress).
Professor Sison had to beg off from the online booklaunch as he was not feeling well because of inflammations on both his legs due to rheumatoid arthritis. The organizers, supporters, friends and comrades also intended the booklaunch to be a virtual birthday celebration for him. Sison will turn 83 tomorrow, February 8, 2022.